Skillful State Trooper Saves Baby’s Life After He Asks Speeding Dad To Pull Over

YouTube, ABC11

When you become a parent, your world suddenly starts revolving around your child’s welfare and health.

Meet The Strouds

Derrick Stroud and his fiancée, Victoria O’Neal, just had triplets, and it was all amazing aside from the sad fact that one of their babies, Amelia, was sick.

Her Condition

Derrick and Victoria’s world was rattled when what started to be a little cough turned to a hoarse cry within just three to six hours for Amelia, and they decided to finally take her to the hospital when she stopped breathing.

To The Hospital

With his family in the backseat of the car, Derrick sped down Highway 148 to bring Amelia from their house in Kinston to ECU Health as soon as possible.

He Got Pulled Over

He was going at about 100 mph, and that’s when he caught State Highway Patrol Trooper Matthew Brown’s attention.

He’s A Blessing

As it turns out, Trooper Brown had a background as a firefighter and EMT, so his order for Derrick’s car to pull over was actually a blessing as he was the one who would actually relieve Amelia from her distress.

How He Did It

Trooper Brown told News Channel 12 how it all happened. He said, “When I got back there, the baby was unresponsive sitting in the child’s seat. I turned her head towards me and I could see that her lips started to go blue and she was having a lot of trouble breathing.”

He’s An Angel

He continued, “Once I got her out of the seat, she started to breathe a little bit better. Her blueness started to go away and I started to rub her back and stimulate her to keep her awake where she could focus on getting her breathing back to normal.”

Road To Recovery

Amelia’s condition eventually stabilized, and she continued to recover. Derrick and Victoria also decided to get their other two daughters checked because of subtle signs of RSV.

Watch the story of how Trooper Brown saved baby Amelia’s life in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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