Loving Parents Travel The World With Their Kids Before Three Of Them Go Blind

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Making memories with your family is probably one of the most precious things in the world, and this story of a loving family will definitely move you.

Mental Photographs


Most of us love taking photos of places we go to because we want to keep a reminder of the moment we had there, and that’s what Sebastien and Edith thought of doing with their kids, except they want to take mental photographs of the world with their children.

Meet The Lemays

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Sebastien Pelletier and Edith Lemay are a happy couple with four wonderful children named Mia (11), Leo (9), Colin (7), and Laurent (5).

Heartbreaking News


In 2019, doctors told Sebastien and Edith that Mia, Colin, and Laurent were diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder called retinitis pigmentosa.

Losing Their Sight


Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) is a rare inherited disease that causes retina degeneration, which would eventually cause a person’s vision to decline until it loses peripheral and night vision, color perception, visual acuity, and central vision.

Making Memories

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A specialist said it’s best to fill the kids’ visual memories so they wouldn’t miss out so much when their sight starts to decline, so Sebastien and Edith decided to go around the world for a year with their children.

Spontaneous Trips


The family began their trip in Namibia. They had no itinerary and just went with the flow, and so far, they’ve been to Africa, Turkey, Mongolia, and Indonesia.

Learning About Resilience

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Sebastien thought that it was best to live a simple life while they were traveling with no fancy hotels or car rentals because he wanted their children to experience life as it is and learn about resilience.

Challenging Moments


While traveling, the effects of RP have already started to affect the kids’ vision. Edith said that all three children with RP already struggled with their night vision and when it gets dark, they can’t see anything at all anymore. It’s a good thing that their loving parents are there to support and take care of them and everything they need as they create beautiful memories around the world.

Watch the story of the Lemays on how they responded to the frightening news about the kids’ sight in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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