Watchful Pregnant Woman Saves Neighbor’s Toddler Who Fell From Window

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Being a parent is not only about providing for your kid. It involves being responsible for watching over them and protecting them from any harm.

Sad Reality


A sad reality in the world right now is that more irresponsible people become parents every day, and they have no idea how crucial being a kid’s guardian is.

Meet Kyrie

YouTube, KCCI

Kyrie Jones lives in a neighborhood in Des Moines. She was 33 weeks pregnant with her baby when she came across a bothersome sight in a home nearby.

Playful Toddler

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She was walking her dog when she saw a toddler crawling over to his house’s window from the 2nd floor and popping out the screen so he could look out and throw things out.

Looking For Mom


Kyrie was worried about the toddler’s safety so she decided to walk over to the house and knock to call the attention of the toddler’s guardian. However, no one was answering.

Call For Help


When no one answered the door, Kyrie got her phone and called 911 to report the situation.

A Frightful Event


The next thing she knew, the little boy had crawled out and was hanging onto the ledge of the window with his legs dangling below him.

She Caught Him

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Kyrie quickly rushed toward the area under the window and screamed for help as the toddler lost his grip and fell from the second-story window.

She’s A Hero


Fortunately, the little boy fell right into Kyrie’s arms. She was indeed a hero because she certainly knew he might knock her over against her pregnant belly, but she said there was so much adrenaline in her body at that time that she didn’t feel anything.

The Cops Arrived


After a short while, the police finally arrived. The cop spoke to the radio scanner and said, “It looks like the baby fell out the window, but the caller caught the child.” They knocked and yelled at the door for some minutes until the mother finally came to the door, but they didn’t immediately return the toddler to her as both the police and children’s aid had many questions for her.

Watch the story of how Kyrie saved a little boy’s life in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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