Adorable Toddler Steals The Spotlight By Joining A Street Performer Playing The Djembe

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Everyone loves free shows. It’s not every day that you get to watch people showcase their talent and witness a little kid join in on the performance.

The Art Of Busking


Busking, often known as street performance, is the practice of performing in public settings for tips. In many countries, passersby usually give the performers money, while sometimes they also give gifts, food, or drink.

Why Busk?


Aspiring performers can use street performances to become noticed, develop a fan base, and, of course, make money. However, there are people who busk just for fun.

A Little Boy’s Adventure

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A toddler and his family were having a nice walk one day when the little boy noticed a street performer playing his djembe.

His Instrument


A djembe is a traditional West African goblet drum made of skin and played with just the hands.

A Special Drum


People often decorate djembes with elaborate carvings and patterns – each one may be a representation of the history and culture of their place of origin.

Curious Toddler

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The little guy tried to imitate the drummer at first, with his hand tapping along with the beat. Eventually, he then began stomping his feet in time with the music.

He Couldn’t Hold It In

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After a short while, the little boy walked directly over to the drummer who stopped playing when the toddler began to beat the drum by himself.

The Spotlight Is On Him

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The toddler was shocked when the music suddenly stopped, but then the performer gave him permission to start playing the drum by himself, and so he did, and he definitely has potential for it.

That’s A Wrap

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The child received a round of applause from the street performer, and passersby who witnessed this wonderful scene joined in to applaud the boy’s spontaneous performance. Everyone was smiling as they clapped, including the adorable toddler.

Watch the little drummer boy’s impromptu street performance in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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