Funny Daughter Pranks Mom With Tiny Hands After Surgery

This hilarious prank serves as a heartfelt reminder of the joy and happiness found in life’s most unexpected occasions, exhibiting a daughter’s nifty spirit and a mother’s thoughtful response.

Meet Kendyl

Kendyl Culpepper is a loving daughter with a great sense of humor.

Out Of Surgery

Her mom had just gone out of wrist surgery, and she was still under the influence of anesthesia, which made her a target of one of her daughter’s mischievous pranks.

Still Sedated

Kendyl recognized a chance to bring some humor into the situation as her mother was gradually coming out of the anesthesia fog in the hospital room.

Her Prop

With a tiny plastic hand, Kendyl approached her mother’s bedside with a convincingly worried expression.

Your Hand Is Gone

She dramatically told her that the doctors couldn’t save her hand during surgery so she volunteered to give her own hand to her.

Her Reaction

Kendyl’s mom looked on in horror and disbelief at the small hand sticking out from her daughter’s sleeve. She examined the tiny hand as she tried to make sense of the situation.

She’s Fine

Kendyl, on the other hand, made even more convincing remarks by reassuring her mom that she was fine with her new tiny hand. She said, “I can still do important things like read the Bible and cheer at baseball games. It’s totally fine… I’m not even left-handed, so I can still write just fine.”

“I’m Sorry”

When her mother was finally able to speak through the uncertainty, she could only say, “I’m sorry,” sounding surprised and pointing out how extremely little the fake hand was. “It’s the best they could do under the circumstances,” Kendyl shot back, erupting into laughter.

Watch Kendyl’s mom’s reaction to seeing her tiny hand in the video below.

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