Tiny Frenchie Howls When Upset And Wants Cuddles

Puppies are really sociable and clingy. It makes them feel loved when they know you’re paying attention to them. However, they can be adorably petty when they don’t get what they want.

Meet Oliver Klaus

Oliver Klaus is a tiny little Frenchie who was surrendered to Roadogs Rescue because of his cleft palate.

Rescuing Pups

Roadogs Rescue is a non-profit organization that helps sick bulldogs and puppies with special needs, helping them improve their health and finding them loving homes.

We All Need A “Road Dog”

The organization stands on the idea that we all need a “Road Dog” in our lives, believing in the mutual support and care that can be shared with both humans and their furry companions.

Oliver’s Story

Oliver’s then-adoptive mom, Jessica, took him in together with another rescue American bully pup named Coraline.

They Were Inseparable

Oliver and Coraline were best friends. They slept, ate, pooped, and cuddled together. Unfortunately, Coraline passed away at such a young age, leaving Oliver to thrive on his own.

Little Fighter

Oliver Klaus grew strong. He likes napping on his mom’s neck and arms and loves being rocked to sleep like a baby. When he turned 1 month old, he was transferred to a “big boy pen” where he had a cozy bed, toys, and everything else he needed.

Spoiled Little Baby

He is a clingy little pup, and when he doesn’t get what he wants, he turns into a “wolf” by howling until his mom gives him the attention that he wants.

He’s Such A Dear

Some dogs howl when they feel sad or lonely, especially when they are left alone. For Oliver, it’s his way of asking his mom for attention and love. It’s not annoying, though, in fact, it makes people love and adore him even more.

Watch Oliver’s life story in the video below.

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