Brave Dog Who Survived House Fire Becomes Therapy Dog For Burn Victims Like Him

YouTube, Care More Animal Hospital

Dogs are one of the most strong-spirited animals. Despite their own struggles, they are still there for their beloved humans.

Meet Taka

YouTube, Care More Animal Hospital

Taka is a 9-year-old dog whose life changed after a devastating house fire.

He Got Burned


Taka was sleeping on his screened-in porch in his home in Georgia when the house fire happened. His owners had to rush out of the house, and they had no time to get to him.

He Saved Himself


He woke up in the midst of the house fire and ran off the porch, but he severely burned his eyes, mouth, ears, and belly.

Concerned Neighbor

YouTube, Care More Animal Hospital

A neighbor saw him and took him to the Care More Animal Hospital where he got treated for his injuries. His family came to see him at the hospital, but they decided to surrender him to the hospital because they wouldn’t be able to take care of his injuries properly.

Sweet Dog

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A vet named Emily Martin took Taka home for a night and saw how sweet the senior dog is but she already had five dogs and a baby at home, so she wouldn’t be able to adopt him anymore.

Chrystal Volunteered

YouTube, Care More Animal Hospital

Upon hearing Taka’s story, a vet tech named Chrystal Lesley volunteered to foster him. However, despite being friendly and sweet toward people, Taka was aggressive toward Chrystal’s other dogs so she enrolled him at the Canine Training Project.

He Got Trained

YouTube, Care More Animal Hospital

The founder of Canine Training Project, Mandy Foster, said, “(Older dogs) can be trained just like any other dog. Sometimes it takes a little bit longer, but in Taka’s case he’s nine-years-old and he has flown through his training. He’s brilliant.”

He’s Getting Certified


After completing his training, Taka got adopted by Chrystal. He also got trained to become a therapy dog for a burn center until he took his Canine Good Citizen test on July 26, 2019, and passed it.

A Symbol Of Hope

YouTube, Care More Animal Hospital

Taka has started working with patients at the burn center and Chrystal is really proud of him. She said, “To see that he could be an encouragement or at least a light at the end of the tunnel for a child or anybody that has gone through what he’s gone through is what all of this is about.”

Watch how Taka’s life is now in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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