Talented Parrot Joins Cover Of Bob Dylan’s “Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door”

This song cover serves as both a musical treat and proof of the ability of music to bring different species together.

Meet Tico

Tico is an enthusiastic and talented parrot owned by guitarist Frank Maglio.

Copy “Parrots”

One of the few animals able to copy human speech is the parrot. In the world we live in, only a small number of animal species have the ability to speak, and parrots excel at producing legible human speech, and sometimes they can even sing.

Bob Dylan Song

Tico, vocalist Lisa Rott, and his owner Frank Maglio decided to record a rendition of Bob Dylan’s classic, “Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door.”

Not Your Ordinary Bird

It’s amazing how well Tico can harmonize and maintain rhythm with the song. He demonstrates an amazing understanding of pitch and timing as he chirps and sings along with the melody.

Main Vocals

Lisa Rott’s singing voice enhances Tico’s singing by adding a level of emotional depth to the performance. Her voice, which is at once sensitive and strong, wonderfully embodies the song’s meaning and gives it a new, sincere interpretation.

The Guitarist

Frank Maglio’s masterful guitar playing serves as the foundation of this exceptional music. His strumming gives the performance a rich, acoustic feel in addition to providing Tico and Lisa with the tune to follow.

Perfect Combination

The performance’s highlight is the harmony between Tico, Lisa, and Frank. Frank’s guitar accompaniment, combined with Tico and Lisa’s harmony, results in a surprisingly pleasing blend.

Rare Occasion

The group’s interpretation of the timeless song honors Bob Dylan’s compositional brilliance while incorporating their own special touches. This song cover is a celebration of music’s ability to communicate across all languages, going beyond simple entertainment.

Watch Tico, Lisa, and Frank’s cover of Bob Dylan’s “Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door” in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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