10-Year-Old Boy Gets Surprised By Soldier Brother At School For Christmas

There’s no greater brotherly love than this.

Meet James

Private First Class James Ellinor is not only a noble soldier, but also a loving brother to his younger sibling, Evan.

Tight Bond

The two of them share a unique bond despite their 9-year age gap so Evan was disheartened when he learned that James wouldn’t be able to come home for Christmas.

His Christmas Wish

It was sad news for 10-year-old Evan as his only Christmas wish was to see his beloved brother who’d been deployed for almost a year.

Something’s Up

Little did he know that James had been carefully planning a surprise visit for him for months.

The Set Up

On a regular day at school, Evan was in the lunchroom when a teacher asked him about his Christmas wish, and his response was that he simply wished to see his brother, whom he hadn’t seen in 300 days.

The Curtains Opened

Suddenly, the lights went out and the curtains pulled back, and confetti cannons popped as James emerged from behind the curtains.

Priceless Moment

Evan was overly surprised by his brother’s presence. He instantly cleared two lunch tables in a single leap and rushed to embrace his soldier brother on the stage.

No Greater Gift

The two brothers shared a heartfelt embrace and left everyone in the room in tears. James said, “Me coming into the army, trying to better myself for him, to kind of show him the right way, is kind of my motivation. It kind of gets me out of bed every morning.”

Watch Evan’s reaction after seeing his brother, James, in the video below.

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