Gardener Successfully Grows Sunflower Plant With Not 1 But 27 Flower Heads


Gardening is a pretty amazing thing, watching tiny seeds sprout into small plants and all. I’m sure Gardener Barry Boyton from Yeovil in Somerset, England feels the same way when he gardens but felt even more so once he saw that his single sunflower plant grew a grand total of 27 flowers!

Normally, Sunflower Plants Bloom Once

“Traditional” varieties of sunflowers typically bloom a single flower one time and then they’re done.

But Sometimes, Sunflowers Can Have More Than One Flower

Some varieties of sunflowers are notorious for blooming in multiples, such as wild sunflowers. Those that grow multiples tend to have smaller flowers than their one-flower-per-plant counterparts.

Experts Say, Though, That the Maximum is Normally 20

Some sunflower plants that grow multiples have the capability of growing up to about 20 flowers!

I’m Sure Barry Was Expecting Just One Bloom Per Plant When He Planted Sunflowers This Spring!

For the variety of sunflower Barry grew, he definitely didn’t anticipate more than one flower to bloom from each plant he grew.

Then He Noticed Multiple Buds on One Plant

One of his sunflower plants began showing signs that it was ready to produce multiple flowers.

Never Did He Expect 27, Though

Barry was sure excited, but boy, was he shocked when he saw 27 flowers bloom on one of his plants in the coming weeks!

The Unusual Sunflower Plant is Quite Taller Than Him

Not only was the plant very prolific, but it was towering a decent amount over the rest of the sunflowers Barry planted (and a few feet over himself).

He’s Sure a Lucky Fella!

I think any gardener would be thrilled to see so many large, beautiful blooms on one plant. He’ll have lots of seeds to collect once the flowers dwindle away.

It’s Not Quite the World Record, But It’s Still Impressive

The “Most Heads on One Sunflower” was well over 800, according to Guinness World Records, in the year 2001. Holy smokes!

But let’s not forget that 27 heads on a single sunflower plant is still something to celebrate. That’s more than enough for an entire bouquet!

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