Brave Teenager Saves Woman Stuck On Train Tracks

Heroes are also defined as people who are willing to put everything at stake, even their own lives, just to save another, and this girl is certainly one of them.

Meet Lilly

Lilly Baker is an 18-year-old girl from Giles County, Tennessee who was hailed a hero after saving a woman’s life.

A Day Out

One day, she was on her way to meet some friends when she saw an old lady in a wheelchair having a hard time crossing the train tracks.

She Rushed Out

She immediately stepped out of her car, ran towards the woman, and did everything to pull her to safety, but they fell down twice.

Train Was Coming

Suddenly, she noticed a train coming right at them from afar. She said, “He was honking his horn and the lights started flashing, I was like, ‘Oh no, we gotta go now!'”

Near-Death Experience

Luckily, she managed to pull both of them out of the way just in time, leaving the wheelchair to get crushed by the train as an aftermath of the heroic save.

The Witness

Ardmore Police Chief Jereme Robison was there to witness Lilly’s incredible act. He said he’s never seen anything like this. He said, “It hits home like, ‘Oh my god, it was that close.’ Bravery comes in all shapes and sizes. You don’t have to be a 6’5 guy that’s muscled up to get out and do something. This is a little small young woman, and she has done what most people wouldn’t do.”

Noble Young Lady

When asked if she’d do it again if needed, Lilly, a senior high student who’s dreaming of being a nurse someday, said she would do it all over again.

All Is Well

The woman Lilly saved was in the hospital and recovering. She had major leg injuries but was expected to be completely fine soon.

Watch how Lilly became a local hero in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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