Family Members Take Turns Sleeping With Dog On The Couch After His Second Stroke

The Dodo

Dog owners keep a space in their hearts for their furry friends and will always attend to their every need.

Best Friend And Family


Sometimes, dog owners don’t only see their dogs as best friends but as members of their family.

Meet Spike

Instagram, SpikeTheSpringer

Spike is a 14-year-old English Springer Spaniel who belongs to a loving family in Yorkshire.

A Clingy Companion

Instagram, SpikeTheSpringer

Spike is so attached to his owners, the Morris family, that he enjoys sleeping beside them upstairs.

An Unfortunate Event

Instagram, SpikeTheSpringer

Because of his old age, Spike recently suffered from two strokes which caused him to lose his ability to run, walk, and even get up.

His Family’s Response


The Morris family’s love for Spike pushed them to go through great lengths to shower the dog with all the love and care that he needs.

A Sleeping Problem


One of the problems that Spike’s condition has caused is his inability to climb up the stairs to sleep with his owners.

But The Morris Family Knows What To Do


Spike’s loving family created a schedule on who will sleep beside him downstairs on the couch each night so he won’t feel alone. At the same time, all of his needs are just nearby – his medications, water, food, etc.

Slowly Getting Better

Instagram, SpikeTheSpringer

Because of all the love and care that Spike has been receiving, we won’t be surprised to see him get back on his feet one of these days.

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