Resilient Man Stranded In The Pacific Ocean For Months With His Dog Gets Rescued


Being wise and knowing what to do during an emergency gives someone an advantage and a good chance of survival.

A Day At Sea

51-year-old sailor Tim Shaddock and his faithful dog, Bella, went on a journey from La Paz, Mexico to French Polynesia.

But Something Happened

While journeying the Pacific Ocean, Tim and Bella encountered a sea storm that wiped out all the electronics on their white catamaran.

They’re Stranded

This unfortunate event led to the two of them being stranded in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, solely relying on their luck and skill.

How They Survived

The sailor and his dog were alone and adrift for two months. Tim would catch raw fish so they could have something to eat, and catch raindrops to keep them hydrated.

Avoiding The Sun

To avoid sunburn from the scorching heat of the sun, Tim would seek shelter under the boat’s canopy to regulate his body temperature.

Then Hope Came

After two months of being in survival mode, a Mexican tuna trawler, accompanied by a helicopter, spotted Tim’s small boat, and the rescuers retrieved him and Bella from their broken vessel.

He’s All Good

A doctor onboard checked Tim’s vitals and confirmed that they were all normal, thanks to his resilience and great survival instincts.

Thanks To Bella

They were also commending Bella for being such a faithful dog. Her company played a vital role in boosting Tim’s morale during their time at the sea.

Watch the story of how Tim and Bella survived two months in the middle of the ocean in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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