Stepfather Finally Becomes His Stepkids’ Official Dad 26 Years After Failing To Adopt Them

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Some family concepts are more complicated than others, but it doesn’t mean that the love that they have is less than what other families have.

A Second Dad


Being a stepfather means accepting that your spouse’s kids might have different feelings and reactions toward your new role in their family. A lot of stepdads are lucky enough to have great relationships with their stepkids.

A Complicated Process


For separated spouses, it might be quite easy to get married again. However, the process of making the kids official children of your new spouse can be a more complicated process.

Meet David

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David Lacy got married to a beautiful woman named TK who had three children from her previous marriage.

They Love Him


Ashley, Rusty, and Courtney were only little kids when David entered their family, but they became close to him eventually as David showed them how excited he was to become their dad.

A Tough Fight


26 years ago, David tried to officially adopt Ashley, Rusty, and Courtney, but he failed to do so.

Unofficial Dad


Based on adoption laws, a stepparent may adopt a child if the biological father agrees or if there is evidence of abandonment, but they didn’t have any of that so David had no choice but to be the kids’ unofficial dad for years.

His 51st Birthday


26 years later, on David’s 51st birthday, Ashley, Rusty, and Courtney gave him a 3-paged letter, which their mom read to David out loud.

They’re Grateful To Him

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The letter stated a lot of wonderful things about David. A part of it said, “A dad isn’t defined as a man who makes the child, but rather a man who extends his hands in time to help with the child’s raising and his heart who loves the child through anything.”

The Big Question

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Later on, the end of the letter said, “turn to the last page,” and when he did, he read a question that said, “Will you finally become our dad and adopt us?” to which he couldn’t find words to respond so he just stood up and gave the kids a big warm hug which served as his big YES.

Watch the emotional moment David finally became his three stepkids’ official dad in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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