Moms And Their Sons Perform Homecoming Dance Number

YouTube Screenshot, Zac Crow

These senior students’ last days in school just got more interesting and fun.

Hands-On Moms


Mothers who get themselves involved in their children’s school events are exceptional.

Countdown To Graduation


Homecomings signal the senior students’ final days in high school. It is an event that’s celebrated not only by the students and school admins but even by some parents.

A Special Number

YouTube Screenshot, Zac Crow

Football seniors in a high school prepared a special dance number for homecoming with a twist.

A Surprise Collaboration

YouTube Screenshot, Zac Crow

The whole assembly went wild when the athletes’ moms walked to the center stage and started pulling off some dance moves.

Their Playlist


As the song progressed, the moms and their sons showed the school what they’ve clearly been preparing for weeks, and it was pretty impressive.

Hippin’ And Hoppin’

YouTube Screenshot, Zac Crow

There was even a part where the moms put on their blue hoodies to match the school’s motif, and they continued taking over the dance floor with their sons.

It Was A Blast

YouTube Screenshot, Zac Crow

The performance ended with everyone going all-out on the court. The audience clearly enjoyed watching the two generations teaming up for a special dance number on that special day.

The Crowd’s Favorites

YouTube Comments Screenshot, Zac Crow

People on the internet have spotted those outstanding performers who caught a lot of attention with their exceptional moves and attitude on the floor.

Watch the moms and their senior sons’ special performance in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: See It Live

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