Generous Soldier Buys Dinner For Two Hungry-Looking Boys

Service comes in many forms. You can serve someone by giving them financial help, offering them a hand when they need it, or even just being there for them when they need someone to talk to.

Dinner Time

Army Ranger, Lieutenant Colonel Robert Rizden visited a Taco Bell nearby to grab dinner but little did he know that he was also about to be a blessing to two young kids that night.

Two Young Boys

He was already placing his order when he overheard two young boys, a 9-year-old and a 13-year-old, at the restaurant trying to sell some homemade desserts.

Their Goal

When Lieutenant Colonel Rizden learned that they were trying to raise some funds for their local church, he decided to approach them.

Concerned Soldier

He looked at them and he saw that they looked cold and hungry. So he asked if they had eaten dinner, to which the boys politely answered “No”.

Additional Orders

As he didn’t have any cash on him at that time to give to the boys, he told them to come with him to the counter of the restaurant and order whatever they wanted off the menu.

Thanks, Kind Man

The boys were shy at first but eventually, they both decided on what they wanted and placed their orders, which the generous soldier paid for.

Happy Kiddos

The two boys were excited about being treated to dinner. They had huge smiles painted on their faces, and the younger boy was even dancing around as his friend was speaking to Lieutenant Colonel Rizden.

A Young Boy’s Dream

That night, Lieutenant Colonel Rizden planted a dream in a young boy’s heart. “I want to be just like you when I grow up,” said the younger boy as he saluted the kindhearted soldier.

Watch how Lieutenant Colonel Rizden’s kind gesture made an impact on two boys’ lives in the video below.

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