Snowplow Driver Saves 5-Year-Old Boy Wandering In Snow At 4 AM

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Being a parent and having to keep an eye on your child at all times is impossible, and there are times when sneaky little kids can slip out of our sight and wander off without us knowing.

Meet David

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David Gehrke is a snowplow driver who had an unusual encounter while he was doing his work at 4 in the morning in February 2021.

A Strange Sighting


David was clearing streets early in the morning when he saw something small move by his wing blade.

It’s Not A Deer

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David said, “I realized that was not a dog or a deer, that was a small little boy just dressed in a pair of zip-up onesie pajammies”.

He Met Maddox

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The snowplow driver stopped and picked up 5-year-old Maddox Pierce who wandered out of his home toward the cold streets.

Calling For Help


David wrapped Maddox with his jacket while they waited for the police.

He Thought He Was Alone


Maddox told the police that he woke up and got afraid that he was all alone in the house (which he was not) and got scared so he decided to walk to his grandfather’s house.

Mom Came

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Maddox’s mom, Brittany Weissenburger, was working during that time and his 14-year-old aunt was babysitting him but she was asleep when the little boy sneaked out of the house.

She’s Grateful

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Brittany was extremely grateful to David for saving her son. The snowplow driver even received a certificate of appreciation from the West Bend police because of his heroic act.

Watch how David luckily saw and rescued little Maddox in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Ron Project

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