Postal Worker Takes Snake-Bitten Beagle To The Vet After Informing Owners Through Security Camera

Building great relationships with people in your community is important and can sometimes be beneficial as it might save the life of someone in your family.

Meet Holle’

Holle’ Prigmore is a USPS worker who just saved a little dog’s life after she was bitten by a snake.

Her Route

Holle’, having been a mail carrier for quite some time, has developed a unique bond with the dogs from the neighborhoods in her usual delivery route.

Ginger The Beagle

One of the special dogs she looks forward to seeing every day is Ginger, a black beagle mix owned by homeowners, Kelsey Proctor and Aaron Proctor.

An Incident

During one of her usual routine deliveries, Holle’ passed by the Proctors’ residence and saw Ginger limping on the side of the road. She walked closer and that’s when she realized that the poor dog was bitten by a venomous copperhead snake.

What To Do?

Holle’ knew she couldn’t leave Ginger suffering alone, so she decided to communicate to her owners by holding up her phone to their security camera. On her phone were the words: “Little beagle bit by copperhead.”

Getting Help

She then made calls and rushed Ginger to the vet where she was given immediate medical treatment that saved her life.

Grateful Owner

Kelsey was immensely grateful for Holle’s selfless deed and immediate response to Ginger’s life-threatening situation.

New Friends

She took to Facebook to express her heartfelt gratitude toward the USPS worker and to find her so she could personally thank her. She said, “This sweet woman took our girl to the vet and left us a note on her phone in our camera to see. I know someone out there has to know her. I want to thank her from the bottom of my heart.”

New Friends

Finally, Holle’ and Kelsey met in person and eventually became friends. Ginger, on the other hand, continued to recover until she was able to shower her hero with affectionate kisses as an act of gratitude for saving her life.

Watch how Holle’ saved Ginger’s life in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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