6-Year-Old Girl Saves Her Dad’s Life After Skipping School

YouTube, Wale Aliyu

The Semrau family wonders if this was just a coincidence or if fate destined the little girl to be at home during the emergency.

Meet Macie

YouTube, Wale Aliyu

Macie Semrau is a grade-schooler at Eliot Elementary School who decided not to attend her classes for just a day.

She Misses Her Dad

YouTube, Wale Aliyu

On April 12th, Macie said she didn’t feel like going to school that day and would like to stay at home because she missed her dad.

An Odd Event


Her parents found it weird at first because Macie has never wanted to skip school, but they saw that she was not really in her best self when she was hesitant to get up and prepare for school so they allowed her to stay in for the day.

Dad Just Got Home

YouTube, Wale Aliyu

That morning Macie’s father, Kyle Semrau, had just gotten home from his overnight shift and said he was feeling light-headed so he decided to stay in with his kids as well.

An Emergency


Later that day, Kyle was in the basement with his four-year-old son when he collapsed and got in and out of consciousness.

Macie Came To Him


Macie heard him and went down to help her dad. She calmly followed her father’s instructions, got his phone, and opened the basement.

Smart Kid

YouTube, Wale Aliyu

Kyle blurted out his phone’s passcode when he was a bit conscious. Macie opened the browser and typed “Eliot.poliz.” The Google search result showed Eliot Police Department’s webpage and the little girl quickly pressed the call button.

She Saved His Life


The police arrived with the medical team within two minutes and brought Kyle to the hospital. It took a few days for Macie to go back to school and be away from her dad again. After the incident, she felt her father needed her and didn’t want to leave his side.

Watch how Macie’s decision to skip school for a day saved her father’s life in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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