Puppy With Six Legs And Two Tails Has Hopes Of Survival

YouTube, KFOR Oklahoma's News 4

Being different doesn’t necessarily mean that you are of less value than anyone. Oftentimes, it means that you are special and in need of extra love and care.

Meet Skipper

Facebook, Neel Veterinary Hospital

Skipper is an Aussie/Collie who was born in February 2021 with a peculiar body that no puppy had ever been born with before.

Unique Characteristics

YouTube, KFOR Oklahoma's News 4

The special puppy has four back legs, two front legs, two tails, and multiple functioning organs from the waist down.

A Miracle

YouTube, KFOR Oklahoma's News 4

Vet Dr. Everd said, “What we think happened with her, is that sometime during development when the body normally starts patterning itself so you get this mirror image, she started trying to split – almost like trying to form a twin, and it just didn’t one hundred percent complete itself.”

First Of Her Kind

Facebook, Neel Veterinary Hospital

The Neel Veterinary Hospital in Oklahoma City said, “She has survived longer than we suspect any other canine has (at just 4 days old – published research does not indicate one has been born alive) with her combination of congenital conditions…”

Her Condition

YouTube, KFOR Oklahoma's News 4

Skipper has “a type of congenital conjoining disorder called monocephalus dipygus and monocephalus rachipagus dibrachius tetrapus which simply means she has 1 head and chest cavity but 2 pelvic regions, 2 lower urinary tracts, 2 reproductive systems, 2 tails and 6 legs among other things. It is likely that she was going to have a litter mate but they did not separate in utero.”

Supporting Skipper

Facebook, Neel Veterinary Hospital

The precious pup has signs of spina bifida and may need physical therapy and mobility assistance as she grows up, but her doctors will continue monitoring her during regular check-ups.

A Normal Life


For now, Skipper has got the approval to go home and grow up as normally as possible with her 8 siblings.

They Love Her

Facebook, Neel Veterinary Hospital

A lot of people were moved by Skipper’s story. The dog-biscuit company Milk-Bone even decided to give her a lifetime supply of treats and even offered to pay for her medical bills!

Watch Skipper’s life story in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Ron Project

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