11-Year-Old Boy Steps Up To Take Little Sister To Daddy-Daughter Dance

Facebook, Trelysia Hamerter

Little girls who were spoiled by their dads usually end up having high standards when it comes to choosing someone to be with because of the wonderful things they’ve experienced from their fathers.

A Role Model


Daughters look up to their dads and depend on them for protection, but sometimes, our dads are the ones who cause us the greatest disappointment.

Meet Skylar

Facebook, Trelysia Hamerter

Skylar Hamerter is a little girl whose dream was to attend her school’s daddy-daughter dance with her father.

She Wants Her Dad


As her dad wasn’t able to come with her to last year’s dance, she was hopeful that he would show up this year. She told her mom, Trelysia Hamerter, “Mommy, I want my dad to come with me to the dance. I don’t want grandpa. I want my dad, I want everyone to know I have a dad.”

The Second Time


However, her father still wasn’t able to show up this time, and this broke not only Skylar’s but her mother’s heart as well.

He Stepped Up

Facebook, Trelysia Hamerter

Upon hearing the sad news, Skylar’s 11-year-old brother, Christian, volunteered to take her to the dance instead. He said, “If he doesn’t show, mom, I’d like to take Skylar to the dance… she deserves to know that a man can keep his word and that she’s really special.”

They Look Fabulous

Facebook, Trelysia Hamerter

Christian got himself a handsome blue suit with a gold tie that perfectly matches his sister’s dress. The two kids looked amazing together, especially if everyone knew the story of why Skylar’s brother was the one taking her to the dance instead of her father.

She Got Emotional


Trelysia was overwhelmed by her son’s sweet gesture and posted about it on Facebook, saying, “I felt so bad because there was nothing I could do because I’m not a male (obviously). Then her big brother stepped in and said he’d take her because he wanted his sister to know that she deserves a man keeping his word and making her feel special… y’all I literally cried.”

She’s Raising A Gentleman

Facebook, Trelysia Hamerter

Trelysia and all the other people on the internet who read the story were moved by Christian’s gesture toward his little sis. Trelysia is confident that she’s raised a young gentleman. She also said in her post, “Just know that I’m raising someone a GREAT HUSBAND one day.”

Source: Spotlight

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