Single Mom Of 6 Receives Life-Changing Gift From Community And High School Students

Being a part of a loving and generous community is a blessing. It’s comforting to know that there are people around you who’ve got your back at all times.

Meet Michelle

Michelle Mendes is a single mom of 6 from Louisa County whose life turned around because of kind people’s help.

Her Story

She and her kids used to be homeless, living out of hotels, with no place to call home, and no stable source of food and other basic needs.

“Journey Home”

Eventually, Michelle was introduced to “Journey Home,” an organization whose mission is to end homelessness, and they provided her with relentless support so she could find her footing once again.

Dedicated Teens

Along with that, a group of high school students from the Automotive Tech department worked on a project to restore a car for Michelle to use.

Single Mom

A woman named Casey Holland from Rappahannock Electric Cooperative heard about Michelle’s story and related to her being a single mother so she pulled some strings to be of help to her as well.

Generous Gift

Rappahannock Electric Cooperative ended up donating $10,200 to Michelle, and the blessings just kept coming.

“Giving Words”

A former single father named Eddie Brown, along with his now-wife, founded an organization called “Giving Words” that aims to make a difference in the lives of single mothers. Upon seeing Michelle’s joy as she received the car, Eddie reflected on the impact kind and generous people make on single mothers in need and their families.

Inspiring Testimony

Michelle was overwhelmed with the support and generosity of the people around her. She’s very blessed to be part of a community that goes above and beyond their civic duties to be of help to those who are in much need.

Watch how people got together to turn Michelle’s life around in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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