Adorable German Shepherd Puppy Meets His Cat Sibling’s Newborn Kittens For The First Time

Siblings have a weird relationship. They can be each other’s most annoying enemy, but also each other’s best friend.

Love Or Hate?

A lot of siblings who often fight are compared to cats and dogs that are known for being each other’s worst enemies.

But There Are Exceptions

However, this stereotype gets debunked by cats and dogs who manage to live harmoniously in a house and even treat each other like loving siblings.

Like Jessie And Dora

Jessie is a female German Shepherd puppy who loves her cat sister, Dora, so dearly.

She’s Nowhere To Be Seen

Jessie hadn’t seen Dora for quite some time, and she’d been missing her. Luckily for her, today’s the day when she finally gets to see Dora again.

She’s A Mom

Little did Jessie know that Dora actually gave birth to her kittens – that’s why she wasn’t allowed to be near her because she had to rest and take care of her newborn kittens first.

Hello There!

Jessie comes into the room with a toy in her mouth, expecting that she gets to play with Dora again, but she drops it when she notices that her cat sister is surrounded by little kittens.

Curious Pup

At first, Jessie was reluctant to fully approach Dora. She sniffed and sniffed until she figured out what the tiny kittens are – they are her nieces and nephews!

Protective Mama

Dora was nursing her newborn kittens at the time, but Jessie wanted to reach out and touch them. As a normal response of a new mom, Dora hissed at Jessie to set boundaries.

I Missed You!

Jessie cautiously moved around Dora and started licking her lightly, and the mama cat saw that her dog sister wasn’t there to hurt her or her babies so she eventually let Jessie lay down by her side as she looks after her babies.

Watch Jessie’s reaction to seeing Dora’s newborn kittens for the first time in the video below.

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