Dog owners who are so attached and invested in their pets will do anything to keep them safe and healthy.
Meet Jaxon And Rambo
Jaxon Feeley is a proud fur dad to his Weimaraner named Rambo.
He’s Sick
He was so worried when Rambo suffered hypovolemic shock, which is an emergency condition that can cause many organs to stop working and her heart was too weak to work.
Poor Baby
Rambo’s illness decreased her appetite and caused her to vomit 30 times throughout the night. In addition to that, she also developed gastroenteritis as well.
Getting Worse
Jaxon took his dog to intensive care where her condition was continuously monitored. Later on, Rambo further developed pneumonia and a collapsed lung.
He’s In Distress
The veterinary center closely monitored Rambo. They gave her extra care and attention to make sure her condition doesn’t get any worse. Eventually, medical bills started piling up, adding more worries to Jaxon.
Possible Abscess
The vets informed Jaxon that they needed to drain fluid from one of Rambo’s lungs as there could be an abscess could have formed in one of them, making it possible that her condition would be life-threatening.
The Cost
Although insurance was able to cover Rambo’s medical expenses for up to £6,500, the bill still went far above that at £11,500, considering that the intensive care unit costs around £1,000 a day.
Considering The Solutions
Jaxon was worried sick. He even slept in his car just so he could be near the clinic at all times. As for the expenses, he considered selling his house to pay for it all, until he thought of starting a fundraiser for Rambo as last resort.
It’s A Success
The fundraiser exceeded what Jaxon needed, and Rambo slowly got better until he was well enough to go home. Jaxon wrote an update, “Over the last 3 days, Rambo has pulled off a miracle, hour by hour she has increased her oxygen efficiency, started eating and drinking, her lungs are slowly recovering and we started to see that beautiful little personality resurface.”