Brave Mom Scares Off Moose Trying To Attack Her Tiny Yorkshire Terrier

This peculiar contrast between the comforts of home and the wildness of the outdoors creates a striking image of how crazy animal interactions may be.

Meet Cathy

Cathy Diehl-Robbins lives with her family in a secluded home in Anchorage, Alaska.

For The Wildlife

It’s not uncommon for them to come across some wildlife in their everyday life, but they admit that it’s exactly what they came for when they moved to Alaska.

Incidents Happen

However, living in this type of location has its pros and cons. You get the peace and quiet you’re looking for, yes, but sometimes, you encounter wild animals that might be threatening to you and your family.

Little Pixel

One day, their tiny Yorkshire Terrier named Pixel came face to face with a 1,000-pound moose.

She’s Not Backing Down

Good thing, Cathy was there to defend her little pup. She summoned her formidable “mom voice” to scare the huge moose away.

It Worked

The moose stopped abruptly, as if surprised and confused, demonstrating the strength of Cathy’s commanding voice.

I’m Outta Here

Pixel, the small Terrier, took the chance to quickly flee to safety, thanks to his brave owner’s quick response.

My House, My Rules

Cathy’s instinctive reaction to this situation is something that her kids and friends are all too familiar with – her “mom voice”. Her bravery, quick thinking, and steadfast protective instinct saved her tiny dog’s life. “It’s my yard, my rules,” Cathy said.

Watch how Cathy used her “mom voice” to scare off a 1000-pound moose away from Pixel in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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