Father And Daughter Rip Up Dance Floor And Finish With A Twist

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It’s beautiful to watch a father and daughter dance together. Now imagine what happens when they pull a trick out of their sleeve!

Jessica’s Bat Mitzvah


A bat mitzvah is a religious ceremony for a Jewish 12-year-old girl as she reaches the age of religious maturity.

It’s Time For A Dance With Dad


Jessica’s dance with her father, Mike Hanley, starts off with a slow dance to The Temptations’ “My Girl.”

They Had Something Up their Sleeve

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As the guests gather around them to witness their sweet father-daughter dance, in the middle of the song, they suddenly break into a mash-up of various upbeat tracks.

The Mastery Of Their Performance Is Commendable


As the music continues to shift from one track to another, the dancing duo seems to have memorized every step!

Hitting Two Birds With One Stone


Mike Hanley works as a standup comedian, so it is not entirely surprising that he can perform a fun dance with his daughter while at the same time entertain guests with their act.

Bringing The Music To Life

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They’re so in-character with their performance that they even dance as zombies when Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” comes on.

Back To Normal

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What a musical journey! Jessica and Mike finish their show with the slow dance that kicked it all off.

A Successful Surprise Dance Number

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They conclude their routine with a bow as the guests shower them with a round of applause.

Watch their fun surprise in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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