Tiny Baby Rhino Enjoys Her Play Time With Her Zookeeper


You’ll be amazed at how playful this baby rhino is with her friends inside the zoo.

She Lives In A Concrete Home


Together with all the other animals, this rhino calf lives in the zoo with her mama rhino where they are taken care of by their zookeeper, Thomas.

Her Name Is Savannah

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In the video, you can see Savannah running around and enjoying the company of her new friends as if she’s on a playground.

Mommy Rhino’s Got Her Eyes On Savannah

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Rhino mothers are known to be protective up until their calves are two to four years of age. In the video, you can see Savannah’s mommy watching her play around while being accompanied by her friends, which she seems to approve of!

Her Eyesight Does Not Stop Her From Enjoying Her Play Time


Although rhinos have a keen smell and hearing, they have very poor eyesight, causing Savannah to sometimes bump into walls. But it takes more than that to stop this hyper baby from running around freely.

Lots OF Kisses And Soft Bumps

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From time-to-time, Savannah goes to her friend, Thomas, and softly bumps her head on his hand as if giving him a friendly kiss. Then, it’s time to go back to running around again!

Affirming Mama Rhino


Savannah also goes up mama rhino in between her running and playing as if assuring her mom that she likes playing with her too!

People On The Internet Reacts To The Rhino Calf’s Playful Video

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Users opened the conversation about the baby rhino to include comments about how cute she is.

Savannah Is Up For A Lot Of Running In The Future


Rhinos are known to be able to run up to 40-60 KPH or 25-31 MPH, which means Savannah’s baby steps will one day turn into a massive trot and gallop when she matures!

Check out the video below to see how this baby rhino shows off her running skills to her human friends.

Watch Video Here:

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