Grateful Woman Gets Reunited With Her Lost Dog After 12 Years

YouTube, Pittsburgh City Paper Videos

Losing someone who’s dear to you is one of the worst feelings.

Love Like No Other


Most dog owners treat their pets as their children, so they are willing to do everything to have them back.

Meet Katheryn And Dutchess

YouTube, Pittsburgh City Paper Videos

Katheryn Strang lost her Toy Fox Terrier, Dutchess, in 2007 when she sneaked through an open door and ran away.

Looking For Her


Katheryn put up “lost dog” posters for months and visited local shelters but she never found her.

Time Went By


For twelve years, Katheryn was left wondering where her little fur baby is.

Keeping It Active


With the hopes of finding Dutchess again, Katheryn continued paying to keep her dog’s microchip active, and indeed it paid off.

Shivering And Hungry


A man found Dutchess under his shed in Pittsburgh. He took the cold and hungry dog to Humane Animal Rescue.

Finding Her Origin

YouTube, Pittsburgh City Paper Videos

Humane Animal Rescue tracked Dutchess back to Katheryn by scanning her microchip.

A Long Trip

YouTube, Pittsburgh City Paper Videos

Katheryn immediately went on an 11-hour, 1100 mile car ride to fetch her dog, and they finally had their heart-warming reunion after 12 long years.

Watch how Katheryn and Dutchess got reunited in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Reshareworthy

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