3 Young Men Return Envelopes Full Of Money To Rightful Owner

The situation the young men found themselves in would have put anyone’s morals to the test.

Out For A Drive

3 young men in Weber County, Utah were driving through a West Haven intersection when they came across something that caught their attention.

Jaw-Dropping Contents

There was an envelope-filled box in the middle of the road. However, these weren’t just any old envelopes — each one was filled with money.

Huge Amount

The envelopes contained a total amount of between $45,000 and $50,000. Rhett, one of the guys, said, “We didn’t know until I kicked one of them and money flew out.”

Moral Dilemma

When they talked about their decision-making process, one of the guys said, “The first reaction was like, well, let’s get this to the right person. Then after we’re like, dang, could have done a lot with that.”

Honesty Is The Best Policy

They had access to a potentially life-changing sum of money, but they opted for integrity, and the money’s legitimate owner—who had reported it lost—was notified that it had been found.

Proud Mom

Rhett’s mom, Lori Hickman, was extremely proud of what her son and his friends did. She said she didn’t want to believe their story at first, but she was shocked when they said that it was true.

Role Models

The story of these three young men is a poignant reminder of the impact of good decisions and moral courage. In a time that could have easily taken them down a different route, they displayed an admirable level of accountability and integrity.

Thanks, Boys

The owner was also shocked but filled with immense gratitude at receiving his money back. He intended to personally thank the young men and present them with a gift in person.

Watch the story of how Rhett and his friends returned a huge sum of money in the video below.

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