Canadian Reporter Delivers Perfect Response To Mean Email On Live TV

In today’s digital age where people may feel more comfortable saying things they perhaps wouldn’t in person due to their anonymity, this story highlights the importance of thinking first before clicking.

Meet Leslie

Leslie Horton is a seasoned Canadian news reporter who has been with the Global News Morning Calgary for 20 years.

Her Recent Battle

Her followers on social media are not unaware of her recent battle with endometrial cancer that caused her to lose her uterus and step away from work in January 2022.

Life Story

She was transparent about her experience with cancer on social media, sharing the hardships and adjustments to one’s life that accompany receiving such a diagnosis.

Back To Work

Her decision to go back to work demonstrated her strength and a fresh appreciation for life and the people in her community.

Hater’s Gonna Hate

Sadly, there are still a lot of mean people out there who have made dragging other people down their personal mission. One day, while delivering news, Leslie paused to address a viewer’s email, which mockingly congratulated her on her “pregnancy” and critiqued her clothing.

Not Pregnant

With ease and calm, Leslie made it clear that she wasn’t pregnant after telling the viewers about the email she received. She said, “I’m just going to respond to an email that I just got, saying, ‘Congratulations on your pregnancy. If you’re gonna wear old bus driver pants then you have to expect emails like this’.”

Her Response

Her response to the mean comment went like this: “So, thanks for that. Um, no, I’m not pregnant. I actually lost my uterus to cancer last year. This is what women of my age look like. So if it is offensive to you, that is unfortunate. Think about the emails you send.”

Think Before You Click

Leslie’s story serves as a sobering reminder of the impact our words have. She responded to the hurtful and demeaning email with dignity and strength, transforming the attack into a call for compassion and decency.

Watch Leslie’s response to a hater’s demeaning comment in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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