If we have a lot of love to give, it won’t hurt to share it with others who are in need of some care and affection.
Meet Nate
Nate is an optimistic 10-year-old kid who remains positive despite all the horrible things he has experienced in life.
His Condition
He has a condition called sickle cell anemia, and in 2019, he was taken to the hospital because of an infection that led to the amputation of his legs below the knees, his left arm, and three of his fingers.
No One Was There
The poor boy was alone at the hospital because he was taken away from his family’s home 10 days ago.
Compassionate Teacher
The only person who took the effort to visit him at the hospital was Jenna, his reading teacher at Walsh Elementary School in Waterbury, Connecticut.
She Took Him In
When she found out that Nate was going to be fostered by a family who lives more than an hour away from his school, she got concerned that the little kid might not be able to handle that many changes in his life so she talked to her partner, Tim Riccio, about fostering him instead.
They’re Getting Along So Well
Nate came home with Tim and Jenna in December 2019. On New Year’s Eve the same year, Tim proposed to Jenna and they got married in May 2021, with Nate being their ring bearer.
A New Addition To The Family
In February 2022, Tim and Jenna had a baby daughter named Julien and Nate has since been a great big brother to her. Jenna said, “She’s obsessed with him, and lights up when she hears his voice.”
It’s Official
Finally, on November 18, 2022, Nate’s adoption was finalized on National Adoption Day. His biological brother, Giovhany Mondestin, was also there on Nate’s special day to celebrate with him and his new family.
Watch the story of how Nate found a loving family in the video below.
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