Random Jogger Hears Lost Dog’s Cries And Contacts Rescue For Help

YouTube, KTVU FOX 2 San Francisco

The world would be a better place with more animal-loving people in it.

Dogs At The Beach


Dogs love the beach, probably because they can run freely there and soak themselves in the water anytime to get refreshed.

Beach Day


One family was enjoying the San Francisco beach one day with their springer spaniel named Gwen.

She Got Lost

YouTube, KTVU FOX 2 San Francisco

Later on, the family lost sight of her. They had no idea where she had run off to, so they spent hours looking for her.

Just Passing By


Later that day, a local jogger heard some sad cries coming from a pile of huge boulders by the beach. He went to check, and that’s when he saw Gwen.

He Called For Help


Gwen was stuck between some boulders and was unable to come out. The jogger tried rescuing her but was unable to do so, so he just took a photo of her situation and sent it to the local Animal Care and Control office.

Help Came

YouTube, KTVU FOX 2 San Francisco

Carlos Ortega, the officer who responded to the report, didn’t meet the jogger at the scene anymore and he had no idea where the dog was.

He Looked For Her

YouTube, KTVU FOX 2 San Francisco

Carlos searched for the dog everywhere using the photo the jogger had sent. Eventually, he managed to locate Gwen by looking in every crack and crevice at the pile of boulders.

A Successful Rescue

YouTube, KTVU FOX 2 San Francisco

Carlos was able to successfully retrieve Gwen by using his strength to clear out some boulders with his bare hands. Once the dog felt that she was already safe, she gave her rescuer a sweet lick on his beard as a way of thanking him.

Finding Her Owner


Carlos walked Gwen back to his truck and scanned her microchip. He immediately found her and her owners’ information and contacted them right away.

Watch how a random jogger’s report saved Gwen’s life in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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