Random Dog Is Found Resting On Woman’s Patio Chair

YouTube, Good Morning America

Having a dog is a commitment. A person doesn’t get a dog just because they’re adorable, but because they want to take care of them for the rest of their life.

Meet Amy

YouTube, Good Morning America

Amy Haden is used to getting up early, but one day, she saw an unexpected visitor in her house.

A Furry Visitor

YouTube, Good Morning America

Amy’s daughter told her that there was a dog on the porch, so they went and checked, and they saw a strange dog resting on their patio chair and happily wagging his tail.

Looking For His Owners


Amy posted on Facebook about the dog in hopes of finding his owner or neighbors who know of him, but no one claimed the dog.

Checking For Chip

YouTube, Good Morning America

She also took the dog to a vet to check if he has a microchip, but there was nothing.

Naming Him


Since she had no clue what his name is or where he came from, Amy decided to let people from TikTok name him. And indeed, they named him “Walker”.

He Didn’t Fit In


Amy thought of just keeping Walker, but he didn’t get along with her two dogs so she had to look for another option.

Looking For A Home

YouTube, Good Morning America

Amy took care of Walker for a month while she was looking for someone to take him in permanently.

His New Owner

YouTube, Good Morning America

Fortunately, Amy found Walker a new home with a little old lady who said she had been praying for a dog like him.

Watch how Walker was found in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Reshareworthy

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