Playful Dachshund Reunites With “Puppyhood” Toy

YouTube, KyleJasonLowell

This looks like a reunion between two best friends.

Playing Puppy


Like little kids, puppies love playing too. Most of them have their own set of toys at home, and this is a fact most dog owners will agree on.

Favorite Toys


If you ask any dog owner if their pet had a favorite toy to play with when they were just a little puppy, their answer would most probably be a big “yes”.

Meet Finn

YouTube, KyleJasonLowell

Finn is an adorable dachshund who loved gnawing on his toys when he was young.

His Favorite Toy

YouTube, KyleJasonLowell

Among his many toys, he has a special eye for his favorite one – his squeaky Piggy.

He Chews On Them


According to Kyle Jason Lowell, Finn’s owner, the dog had destroyed several pigs before he upgraded him to more durable toys.

But He Takes Care Of Piggy

YouTube, KyleJasonLowell

Kyle also said, “Oddly enough he’s being very gentle with this one. Carries it carefully from room to room.”

They’re Reunited

YouTube, KyleJasonLowell

After almost 5 years, Finn sees his squeaky Piggy again and his reaction is so adorable.

Overflowing Joy

YouTube, KyleJasonLowell

Finn couldn’t contain his joy after seeing his old friend again. Just like the old times, he grabs Piggy from his owner’s hand and plays with it like he’s a puppy again.

Watch Finn’s darling reaction in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Reshareworthy

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