Sad Puppy Found Beside The Road Finds Joy After Getting Rescued

YouTube, The Dodo

Our stories, good or bad, make us special. They are the reason for who we are today.

Meet Willis

YouTube, The Dodo

Willis used to be a stray dog who used to just roam around the streets but wouldn’t allow anyone to approach or touch him.

His Situation

YouTube, The Dodo

He was found by rescuers beside the road on a busy street in Bali, Indonesia.

Their Mission

YouTube, The Dodo

Rescuers from Mission Pawsibble, a non-profit organization, would stop at nothing to save the poor pup from the dangers of the streets.

Earning His Trust

YouTube, The Dodo

He was afraid of them at first and ran away from the rescuers. When they saw him in a corner, they offered him food to earn his trust, then took him to the shelter to treat his wounds.

He’s Grateful

YouTube, The Dodo

By the next morning, he was a completely different dog. His tail was now wagging and he was doing tiny hops of joy.

New Home

YouTube, The Dodo

Eventually, he got adopted by a woman named Angie and her husband. They gave Willis a new comfortable home to live in.

His Siblings

YouTube, The Dodo

They introduced him to their other dogs who also welcomed him to the family.

He’s Full Of Life


Angie often brings Willis to a dog park where he can freely run and play with other dogs.

A New Beginning


Willis’s new parents couldn’t believe how someone could abandon a dog like him. He’s now living a happy life with his new family and they’re equally glad to have someone like him in their home.

Watch how Willis’s personality changed after he found a loving home in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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