Pregnant Mom Risks Her Own Life To Save Her Kids From Car Accident

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Moms are the best. They’re willing to risk even their own lives for their children’s sake.

Meet Bailey

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Bailey is a loving mom from Terra Haute. She only had two little girls and was waiting for her third child’s birth when she got into a life-threatening situation.

Girls’ Day Out

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On July 4, 2022, Bailey, who was 34 weeks pregnant at that time, was out with her two kids when she saw a car speeding toward them.

She Didn’t Think Twice


Without second thinking, Bailey pushed her kids out of the way, causing her to get pinned down by the car.

She Was Worried


While she was being delivered by the paramedics to IU Union Hospital in Terre Haute, Indiana, she admitted that all she could think about at the time was that her baby was already gone.

A Worrisome Situation


The doctors performed an emergency C-section on Bailey to save her baby, then she was flown to IU Methodist Hospital in downtown Indianapolis to save her life.

It Was Critical

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Bailey recalled her condition at that time. She said, “My femur was completely snapped in two. I had a hip dislocation, my pelvis, my pelvic ring, my hip ball joint, it was all completely shattered.” Fortunately, she had a “lucky charm” that saved her life.

Her Pregnancy Helped


Bailey explained that she had a special case because she was pregnant. She said, “They told me, basically if I wasn’t pregnant, I wouldn’t have made it because your bones are so much more durable when you’re pregnant.” In other words, her high levels of estrogen due to her pregnancy helped strengthen her bones.

It’s A Miracle

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A year later, Bailey went back to IU Methodist Hospital with her now three girls where she met Nurse Jennifer Mink again who said, “I had never seen her walk before. To know what she’s been through and to see how well she’s doing now, it blows me away, but it doesn’t surprise me.”

She’s A Hero


Bailey also went back to Indianapolis to receive a special honor and deliver the green flag during the opening ceremony of the Indy 500.

Watch how Bailey’s “miracle baby” saved her life in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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