Genuine 3-Year-Old Boy Leads His Class In Prayer

YouTube Screenshot, CBS News

Seeing a little child express his faith is so wonderful.

Laying Children’s Foundations


Children don’t only need to learn about books in preschool, they should also be taught about their freedom when it comes to expressing their faith.

Meet Makhi

Instagram, Jss_ranisha

Makhi Martin is a great role model for other children when it comes to putting his faith into action.

A Lunch Time Routine


It’s become a habit in Makhi’s preschool to say a prayer before lunchtime, and today is his turn to lead.

Leading The Prayer

YouTube Screenshot, CBS News

With his hands together and his eyes closed, Makhi led his classmates and his teacher into a genuine prayer of thanksgiving and request.

His Heart For Other Children


Makhi also prays for “all the boys and girls all over the world,” which shows his big compassionate heart even for those who don’t share the same belief as his.

Different Religions Around The World


We may have different religions all across the world, but we cannot deny the fact that we hold on to the faith that we have because it gives us hope despite the challenges that we face.

A Child-Like Faith


Children’s faith is amazing. They don’t worry whether their prayers are heard or not, but they just believe that there is Someone who is out there looking out for them.

Theirs Is The Kingdom Of Heaven


The bible even says to “Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Such a beautiful promise.

Watch and be inspired by little Makhi’s faith as he leads his class in prayer in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Ron Project

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