Dog Goes For A Potty Break And Comes Home With A Stray Kitten

YouTube, Happily

We usually think that cats and dogs don’t get along, but this dog’s empathy shows that she is willing to be friends with a little kitten despite their differences.

Meet Hazel

YouTube, Happily

Hazel is a three-year-old Yorkie, Chihuahua, and Poodle mix who knows how to show kindness even to animals of other species.

Potty Break


One rainy day, Hazel’s owner, Monica, let her out into the yard on her own for a potty break.

She Saw A Little Kitten


On her way back inside the house, Hazel heard a faint squeaking noise coming from under the shed in the yard where she saw a tiny abandoned kitten shivering, her mother nowhere to be found.

She Took Her Home

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Monica noticed that Hazel had been outside much longer than usual. So when she looked outside, she saw Hazel walking back indoors with the kitten in tow.

She Helped Her Up

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When Hazel and the kitten had reached the doorstep, she saw that the step was too high for the tiny kitten to climb so she reached down and carefully lifted the kitten up.

They Took Care Of Her


When the kitten was indoors, Hazel started licking her clean until she was dry. Monica then gave her some food and milk as the days passed by.

She’s Now Healthy

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When the kitten had grown up enough, Monica took her to the vet who confirmed that she was now healthy. Monica’s brother, Michael, adopted the kitten and named her Sheba.

She’s Found Home

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Michael and Sheba became best friends, but she is even happier when she meets up with Hazel and Monica.

Watch how Hazel brought Sheba home from the rain in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Ron Project

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