Concerned Postman Puts Out A Call To Help 81-Year-Old With Her Yard Work

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We all have roles to partake in a community, and being there for one another is one of them.

Meet Ra’sheen

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Ra’sheen Turpin is a beloved postman who’s well-known by a community in Garfield Historic Neighborhood in Phoenix.

Years Of Service


He has been carrying letters for the members of this community for nine years, which was enough time to build great relationships among the neighbors.

Meet Margo

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One of the houses Ra’sheen passes by is 81-year-old Margo’s, and she’s known for being caring toward her yard.

An Accident


Sadly, Margo took a heavy fall three years ago that sent her to the hospital and caused her mobility to become limited. Now, she can only walk around using a cane, making it difficult for her to tidy up her yard all by herself.

He Wanted To Help

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Knowing her story, it broke Ra’sheen’s heart when he saw Margo doing yard work alone, so he took a photo of her hauling palm fronds to a pile in her front yard.

Looking For Volunteers


Ra’sheen shared the photo in a Garfield Historic Neighborhood group and asked for help from the community – to which a woman named Stephanie Young responded.

She Can Do It

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Stephanie owns a business called Clean Sweep House Cleaning, which offers yard and handy work services. She volunteered to clean Margo’s yard for free during her day off.

A Great Community

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Because of Stephanie’s charity, and Margo’s other neighbors’ efforts and help, the old woman’s yard was already in perfect shape a week after her 81st birthday – all thanks to an awesome community’s help.

Watch how Ra’sheen’s simple gesture helped Margo big time in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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