Kind-Hearted Plumber Gives Old Woman With Cancer A Heart-Melting Invoice

YouTube, Did You Know ?; Bored Daddy

With all of the bad things that are happening in the world right now, it’s kind of getting hard to keep your faith in humanity, but luckily, there are still some people who are willing to set aside their own selves for the betterment of others.

Meet James

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52-year-old James Anderson aims to change the lives of the elderly by offering his plumbing services for free.

It Started As A Business

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James, a father of 5, initially started his private plumbing and heating business but eventually decided to transform it into a non-profit named “Depher”.

His Reason


James made the decision after he witnessed an old woman being ripped off by another engineer. He said he didn’t want people to see their profession that way so he became determined to change things for the better.

One Of His Clients


When a British 91-year-old woman suffering from cancer contacted him to give her boiler a check-up and deal with some leaks, he knew he had to make a kind gesture for her.

He Gave Her Invoice

Bored Daddy

When James left her invoice, he didn’t charge her a single cent. Instead, the invoice wrote, “No charge for this lady under any circumstances. We will be available 24 hours to help her and keep her as comfortable as possible.”

His Objective


When asked why he does what he does, James said, “I don’t want any person who is elderly and disabled in this country, in this day and age, to die or suffer because of a cold home or a lack of funding to repair the boiler.”

Spreading His Vision


James also said he’s spoken to a few engineers around the country and they’re all on board with his plan. Their only concern right now is how to get funding because his switch to non-profit hasn’t made things easy for him, and he’s even in debt.

People Heard The News


When people learned about James’s kind gesture toward the 91-year-old woman, people started donating in order to make his dream a reality. The funds have reached $100,000 so far.

Learn more about James’s story and vision in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Ron Project

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