Playful Husky Gets Embarrassed When Baby Falls Over

Babies and dogs in one room? It would probably make a funny reality TV show.

Meet Nathan

Nathan is a little baby who’s growing up with giant body guards protecting and looking after him.

His Security

His security staff? Two giant huskies! But despite their big bodies, these adorable doggos know how to be gentle around the little guy.

Meet Teddy

Teddy is what Nathan’s mom calls the “morning dog” as he is the one who greets the family every morning.

He Loves Him

Teddy is extremely gentle with Nathan and he won’t ever do anything to harm him. In fact, when Nathan lost his balance while hanging out with him, he thought he knocked him over.

He Felt Guilty

Even though Nathan fell over on a soft bed and was completely unharmed, Teddy blamed himself and started burying himself under a blanket in shame.

Nico Comes In

Later on, Nathan’s mom called another husky named “Nico,” also known as the “sensory dog”.

A Calm Dog

Nico’s calm demeanor makes him Nathan’s “pillow dog,” and while Teddy is the playful one, he is the protector.

Kids And Dogs

Studies have shown that babies who grow up around dogs are healthier, have better emotional intelligence, and are more playful and physically active. So we’re sure that Nathan will definitely grow up to be a healthy and enthusiastic kid with Teddy and Nico around him.

Watch Teddy’s reaction when Nathan fell over in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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