Playful Dad Engages 4-Week-Old Baby In A Conversation About Crying

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A happy family is established through constant communication and understanding of one another, but let us know if you think it’s too early for this dad to have a “serious” conversation with his baby.

What’s On Their Mind?


It’s hard to guess what goes on in newborn babies’ minds because they have no means of communicating their thoughts aside from crying.

Moms And Dads Know


Although moms and dads are probably the only people who can understand the meaning behind their babies’ cries and groans, it’s fun to watch these little angels try to communicate with their facial expressions and gestures like an adult.

Dad Wants To Talk

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One proof of how adorable it is when babies engage in a conversation with an adult is when a funny dad announces to his daughter that he needs to have a conversation with her.

What’s Happening?

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The baby stares into her father’s eyes as he is asking her, “You were sitting very quietly, and all of a sudden, you started crying. I need to know why.”

She’s Not Taking Him Seriously

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The baby just smiles at her father’s question as if she’s aware that her father’s seriousness is actually just a joke.

The Interrogation Continues


The dad asks his daughter again a few more times, “I’m curious, can you go ahead and tell me why you were crying?” but all he gets from her are irresistible smiles.

No More Crying


Eventually, the baby gets away from the interrogation because of her cuteness, but her dad imposes a new rule: “from now on there could only be smiling and no crying” and seals the order with a sweet kiss.

Is It Possible?


The University of Pennsylvania says that babies can comprehend the meaning behind spoken words at six months of age, but since the little girl is just a month old, we can’t really expect her to take her dad seriously in the conversation.

Watch how the 4-week-old baby responds to her dad’s questions in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Ron Project

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