Kind Pilot Returns 9-Year-Old Girl’s Beloved Doll To Texas All The Way From Japan

YouTube, WFAA

Growing up, we all had something we always carried around with us wherever we went – it could be a pillow, a piece of cloth or fabric, or a doll.

Meet Valentina

Valentina Dominguez is a 9-year-old girl from Plano, Texas who has a “best friend” named Beatrice.

Who’s Beatrice?

YouTube, WFAA

Beatrice is an American Girl doll Valentina got from her grandma years ago, and since then, she’s always taken her with her to every vacation she spends with her family.

Japan Trip

Recently, Valentina and her family went on a five-day Vacation in Tokyo. That’s when Beatrice got lost.

Finding Beatrice

Her whole family went around looking for Beatrice. They went through all their stuff in the hotel room and traced back all the places they’d been in but to no avail.

She’s At The Airport

Valentina’s family contacted Turkish Airlines about the doll but they didn’t get a response until they got home from Tokyo to Texas. But when they finally did, they learned that Beatrice was held at Tokyo’s Haneda airport and couldn’t be brought aboard for security reasons.

What To Do?

The airline’s suggestion was for someone in Japan to pick up the doll or for the family to ask someone who was going to Japan to bring the doll back with them when they returned to the United States, so Valentina’s mother went to social media to look for someone who could help them.

Pilot Jim To The Rescue

YouTube, WFAA

To their surprise, Pilot Jim Dane from Richardson, Texas, who regularly flies to Tokyo, reached out to them and promised them that he’d bring Beatrice back.

A Long Journey

Jim traveled 5880 miles across the world with Beatrice just to get her home to Valentina. He even gave the little girl a map of Beatrice’s journey and a photo of the doll sitting by the airplane window.

Her Hero

Valentina and her family were overjoyed and grateful for the pilot’s kind gesture. He went above and beyond his job just to bring the little girl’s “best friend” back.

Watch how Jim brought Beatrice back to Valentina in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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