Nursing Home Staff Gifts Lonely Old Man A Pillow With His Late Wife’s Face On It

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Showing someone that you care doesn’t require a grand gesture. Oftentimes, love is shown in the little things.

Eternal Love


When we marry someone, we promise to spend our whole life with them, and what only makes this possible is our desire to fight for the love that we have for each other through every season and trial.

Old Couples


Sadly, no matter how hard we fight for our love, there will come a time when old age would take our loved ones from us, but it doesn’t mean we should forget about them altogether.

Meet Ken

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Ken Benbow is a WWII veteran who now lives in a care home called Thistleton Lodge.

A Habit


He has this everyday habit of taking his wife’s photo with him whenever he goes to sleep so it’s the last thing he sees before he sleeps and the first thing he sees when he wakes up.

Their Story


Ken and his wife, Ada, met after the war. He served in the Royal Navy through the Atlantic and Pacific theaters, including D-Day in 1944. They were married for 71 years until Ada passed away in August 2019.

His New Friend


In 2020, a new staff at the care home named Kia Tobin made friends with Ken. When she found out his story and how he sleeps next to his late wife’s photo, she thought of an incredible idea.

A Precious Gift

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One day, Kia surprised Ken with a special pillow. Why is it special, you ask? Well, because it has his late wife’s printed on it. That way, he can hug it while he sleeps and it won’t crumple or get torn.

He’s Happy

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Ken was immensely happy and grateful for Kia’s gift. He kept exclaiming, “Oh, dear!” as he hugged the pillow. He gave Kia a sweet hug as a “thank you” for what she’s done.

Watch Ken’s precious reaction to Kia’s gift in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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AmeliaClarke 1 year ago (Edited)
With two children at home, I make more than 190 dollars per hour working from home. My best friend, who makes over $10,000 a month doing this, persuaded me to give it a try even though I never believed I'd be able to. This has limitless possibilities. Here is what I've been up to. Also, GOOD LUCK.

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