Street Pianist Witnesses People’s Kindness After A Woman Slams His Piano And Steals His Tips

When we encounter mean and abusive people, it makes us lose our faith in humanity. However, other people’s simple acts of kindness make us believe in the world’s goodness again despite how harshly we’ve been treated in the past.

Meet Andrew

Andrew Hsu is a senior at the University of Georgia who just witnessed the power of kindness and social media.

His Hobby

He usually plays the piano in downtown Athens, Georgia to entertain and collect audience tips.

An Interruption

He’s usually loved and supported by passersby, but one night, while he was in the middle of playing Billy Joel’s classic “Piano Man,” a random woman walked up to him and interrupted his performance.

Cruel Stranger

The woman aggressively slammed Andrew’s piano to the ground, which shocked the musician and everyone around him.

There’s More

To add to that, while Andrew was figuring out how to retrieve his piano from the ground, the woman snatched some tips from his collection bucket.

People Stepped In

A lot of people saw what happened. One of them was a man who was kind enough to volunteer to empty his wallet to somehow compensate for how much the pianist lost from his tip bucket.

More People Helped

Some passersby helped Andrew pick up his piano and set it back up.

Online Support

In addition to the help he received in person, Andrew realized how powerful social media really is when, just an hour after posting what happened to him on TikTok, online netizens have already found who the rude and thieving woman was.

Faith In Humanity, Restored

Despite the hateful event that happened on that unfateful night, Andrew’s faith in humanity was immediately restored after seeing how many people were willing to stand up for what was right. He’s grateful for everyone’s love and support and is now looking to file charges against the woman.

Watch how people reacted to what happened to Andrew in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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