Street Performers Perform Italian Version Of “Perfect”

YouTube Screenshot, Allie Sherlock

Music is definitely one of the things that make heads turn.

Meet Allie

YouTube Screenshot, Allie Sherlock

14-year-old Allie Sherlock is a well-known teenager who busks on Grafton Street in Dublin, Ireland.

A Home To Buskers


Grafton Street is one of the busiest streets in Dublin that is known for being visited by various musicians who want to showcase their talent to passersby.

An Ed Sheeran Hit Song

Instagram, Ed Sheeran

One day, she decided to perform famous singer Ed Sheeran’s “Perfect” on the street together with her guitarist, Philly Campbell.

Her Enchanting Vocals


Allie and Philly are effortlessly making heads turn just with their acoustic guitar and the singer’s lovely vocals.

Cuan Takes The Stage

YouTube Screenshot, Allie Sherlock

Halfway through the song, Allie invites a young man to the floor, letting him continue the piece.

A Mesmerizing Rendition


17-year-old Cuan Durkin gracefully continues the song in Italian.

Good Looks And Great Talent

YouTube Screenshot, Allie Sherlock

Cuan’s handsome get-up together with his powerful vocals and unique rendition of the song only makes people stop at their tracks.

He’s Also A Musician

Instagram, cuandurkin

Cuan is also fond of performing on the streets and creating song covers on the internet, so it’s no wonder that he could gracefully finish Allie’s song without any rehearsal.

Watch Allie and Cuan’s unique rendition of Ed Sheeran’s “Perfect” in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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