Pen Pals Who Have Been Writing Each Other For 84 Years Finally Meet

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There are so many things communication can do. It connects people and maintains relationships despite the distance and circumstances.

A School Project


In 1938, the UK and the USA started an educational initiative where students from both countries exchanged letters.

Meet Geoff And Celestra

Facebook, BBC Radio Devon

That’s how Geoff Banks from Devon, UK, and Celestra Byrne from Texas, USA started becoming pen pals.

Through The Years


The two students got along pretty quickly and became friends as they started telling each other what was happening around them in their respective countries, and they didn’t stop writing to each other even as the years passed.

Time Flew


Geoff and Celestra kept their handwritten friendship. Celestra has lived through 15 presidents while Geoff lived through 20 prime ministers, and the two are still in touch through their letters.

Technology Came


While their first exchanges were through handwritten letters, technology started taking over the world, so Geoff and Celestra adapted as well and started communicating through emails.

Seeing Each Other


When smartphones emerged, the two friends began seeing each other on-screen through video calls, but it was only recently that they finally saw each other in real life.

Their First Meet

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Geoff was in New York in 2002 when he met with Celestra. The two of them were already retired and grandparents when they met for the first time, but it was a momentous event for two friends who had only known each other through letters for years.

Platonic Friendship

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Of course, people couldn’t help but wonder if the two had been romantically involved at some point, but Celestra clarified that they were just like two friends living next door to each other who talk about anything and everything before going on with their day.

Watch Geoff and Celestra’s amazing friendship that was built on exchanged letters through the years in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Spotlight

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