Adorable Young Man Shows Pastor-Like Behavior During Church Service

Kids learn a lot by merely observing the adults around them. That’s how crucial it is to make sure we’re always careful with our words and actions when we’re around little kids.

Christian Values

Children who grow up in a Christian household learn the value of religion at an early age, and they’re expected to follow Christian tradition and culture as they continue to grow up.

Warm Community

Along with learning how to pray and read the bible, Christian kids are also expected to attend Sunday church services every week with their parents so they can be immersed in the culture their religious community shares.

It’s Not For Everyone

Despite the parents’ greatest efforts to get their children involved in church, there are still some kids who choose to follow their own heart in terms of religion while some kids choose to embrace the warmth their church community offers.

Like This Kid

There’s this one kid who captured the attention of many people with his pastor-like behavior during a church service.

Resounding Agreement

As the choir was singing a gospel song behind him, the young man raised his hand in agreement with the song’s message.

Adult-Like Gestures

His enthusiastic responses and adult-like gestures are somehow proof of how deep he is in his faith.

Is He Even A Kid?

The way he gently wipes the sweat from his brow, the way he shoots his hand up in agreement and the way he heartfully sings the gospel song make you wonder if he’s actually a pastor trapped in a kid’s body.

He’s Got Potential

One of the commenters said the young kid reminded him of someone he grew up with who’s now THE pastor of their church.

Watch how the little kid’s gestures and mannerisms give off pastor-like energy in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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