Paralyzed Bride Surprises Groom By Walking Down The Aisle

YouTube, The Film Poets

Weddings are one of the most important and memorable days in a woman’s life. It’s a dream come true.

Childhood Dream


Most women have always dreamt of walking down the aisle while wearing a beautiful wedding dress and being married to the man of her dreams.

Meet Chelsie

YouTube, The Film Poets

Chelsie Hill is one of those women who’s pictured themselves in a long white dress, walking down the aisle toward their groom.

A Tragic Accident


Sadly, she became hopeless in achieving this dream of hers when she got into a car accident when she was a high school senior that caused her to become paralyzed from the waist down.

Her Loving Fiance

YouTube, The Film Poets

Eventually, Chelsie met a man named Jay Bloomfield. Later on in their relationship, they decided to get married and Chelsie has a surprise for him on their wedding day.

6-Month-Long Practice


Chelsie spent months learning how to walk, especially while wearing a long heavy wedding dress. She said, “I had to practice for about six months with the leg braces in order to really know that I could stand there and walk with my eyes forward and not fully at the ground the whole time.”

A Big Surprise

YouTube, The Film Poets

The lovely bride wanted this to be a surprise for her groom on their wedding day. She said, “He didn’t know me when I was walking, so for me, it wasn’t really part of our relationship… I made it seem like I was going to roll down the aisle and roll back.”

The Big Day

YouTube, The Film Poets

On their big day, Chelsie was assisted by her father as she strolled in a wheelchair toward the beginning of the aisle, and then, she started using a walker to hold her up as she began walking toward her groom.

His Reaction

YouTube, The Film Poets

When Jay finally turned around to see his soon-to-be wife, he was shocked and in tears to watch her walk. Chelsie said, “As soon as I saw Jay, his jaw dropped… He was just in shock that I was walking because he had no idea,” while Jay told her when she finally reached the altar, “Yo*u******* away every single day.”

Watch the beautiful love story of Chelsie and Jay and how she surprised him on their wedding day in the video below.

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