Paralyzed Woman Gets To Communicate Again Through Words Using Brain Implant And AI

Although there are lots of ways to express our feelings and thoughts, communicating them through words is still the easiest and most efficient way.

Meet Ann

Ann was a math teacher in Canada who’s now exploring the endless possibilities modern technology can offer.

Her Story

18 years ago, Ann was 30 years old when she was playing volleyball with some friends when she suddenly had a stroke that changed her life forever.

Its Effects

The incident caused her to be unable to move and breathe on her own and this caused so much fear to her and her family as she had 6-month-old and 7-year-old children at the time.

Getting Better

Everything was all over the place at first, but after undergoing a lot of therapy for 5 years, she could now move her face a little and show some emotions but sadly, she still wasn’t able to talk.

A Help From Science

Recently, Ann started working with scientists from UC San Francisco and UC Berkeley who were working on a technology that could help people with conditions like hers communicate better.

The Power Of AI

The scientists came up with a digital character that could talk for Ann using her thoughts. For weeks, Ann and the scientists worked on having the computer learn how her brain signals speech.


During testing sessions, Ann was already able to communicate and converse with her husband who was always there with her all throughout the whole process.

There’s More

Although the device has already done its expected functions, the scientists and engineers’ next big goal is to create a wireless version of it so Ann wouldn’t have to be connected to the computer all the time.

Watch how modern technology makes almost everything seem possible in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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